Welcome to the School4Kids Newsletters page where we have stored back issues of all newsletters as they are published. Note, they are only
available in basic PDF format.
Issue 26 - This report contains updates on a recent emergency we responded to when a water tank providing fresh water for the school
and church was destroyed in a storm. Also included in this edition is information regarding the latest outbreak of Cholera in the area.
Issue 25 - This report focusses on our recent trip to Zambia and the work we carried out whilst there. In particular, this year
we sent out a working party to do some painting and decorating at the school and church. We also gave out 168 25kg bags of mealie meal
to the families of the school. All in all an amazing trip. Thank you to everyone who supports this incredible work.
Issue 24 - In this issue Maureen Luwi provides an update on how the school is doing post COVID. It is great to see that things have
continued to move forward and that the school is thriving. Also in this issue is information about the next trip out to Zambia
where a number of the church will be going out to do some practical work around the school.
Issue 23 - In this issue we share a beautiful letter from Cecelia Ndilamoni, who is the first child to go through all of the primary years at Beacon
of Power Academy and has now started secondary school. She shares about she never thought she would be able to go to school but through
the kindnes of School4Kids sponsors she is now receiving a proper education and dreams of one day working in a bank.
Issue 22 - In this issue are further updates on the school building which progresses well. Since the outbreak of Coronavirus the children's
coin collection has not been operating, so instead a Virgin Giving account has been set up to enable people to continue to give. Details
of how you can give to the children's coin collection is included. Finally, we provide an update on the impact of Coronavirus in Zambia.
Issue 21 - In this issue we provide some exciting updates on the progress of the school science block and also report on
how one of the chidren who started the primary school at the very beginning has now moved into the secondary school. Naturally at this time
we are all concerned about the impact of the Coronavirus on the school so we have included in this issue some news from the BBC and the Zambian Watchdog as to
how the Coronavirus is affecting Zambia.
Issue 20 - In this issue there is detailed information about the recent trip to Zambia, October 2019. We are pleased to report that the building work on
the secondary school is now almost complete - check out the pictures of the science block. Also included in this issue is a set
of photographs showing the progress of the building work from when the work started back in 2015. NOTE: Due to the large number
of photographs included in this issue, the file is larger than usual.
Issue 19 - This issue provides an update regarding money raised for School4Kids whilst the church attended New Wine, some information about
the recent outbreak of Malaria and how we responded to help, and finally
preparations for the next Cave Gathering Conference in Solwezi.
Issue 18 - This issue provides a short update on the building and development work for the school. In particular, after successfully
raising £5000 to fund the provision for a well to provide running water for the school, this work is now progressing fast.
Issue 17 - This issue focuses on the call for donations for the digging of a borehold and provision of a pump and storage container in order to provide clean running water for
the school and surrounding community. The donations page can be found here.
Issue 16 - In this issue there is detailed information about the recent trip to Zambia, October 2018. As always this comprised of
two main parts, speaking at the Cave Gathering Conference, and visiting the school. The main difference to previous years is that the
secondary school is now up and running, which was really exciting to see.
Issue 15 - In this issue there is a brief update on the start of the new secondary school which is part of Beacon of Power Academy and the plans
for this year's Cave Gathering conference. Also included in this issue is a report from New Wine and the money raised from the breakfasts.
Issue 14 - In this issue there is an update on how the money from the chidren's collection box has been used, plus details on staff and class sizes for each of the school years.
Issue 13 - In this issue there are updates describing progress on the school building and ideas around starting a secondary school. Also included is information about the recent storms.
Issue 12 - In this issue there is detailed information about the recent trip to Zamia, October 2017. As always this comprised of
two main parts, speaking at the Cave Gathering Conference, and visiting the school.
Issue 11 - In this short article there is an update on the school building and an appeal for cash donations in order to purchase gifts
when the team travel out in October.
Issue 10 - In this short article we see pictures of how the money collected by the children of NLC is being used to purchase
gifts for the children in the school. We are also encouraged that four more people have signed up to sponsor children in the school.
Issue 9 - In this issue there is a brief update on the changes to the school curriculum and the need for new books. Also included is
an article about the ongoing poverty in Zambia.
Issue 8 - In this issue there is detailed information about the recent trip to Zamia, October 2016. As always this comprised of
two main parts, speaking at the Cave Gathering Conference, and visiting the school.
Issue 7 - In this issue we find information about the school's move to the new church building after having been informed
just before the summer that they needed to move out of their existing premises. Also included in this edition is
news about forthcoming trip to Zambia for the annual conference and an update on the Zambian elections.
Issue 6 - This issue includes information about the easter appeal to provide chickens for all the families that have children
at the Beacon of Hope school, plus information about the financial crisis facing Zambia at this time.
Issue 5 - Into the New Year this issue provides a brief update on what has been happening in Beacon of Hope school plus you will
find an interesting and possibly disturbing article about the problem of child brides in Zambia.
Issue 4 - Find out about the latest visit to the Beacon of Hope school where Pastor Richard, David Summerhill and Peter Moorcraft took
loads of gifts for the children and teachers. See also a short video which accompanies this newsletter - click